
Pat Heffer, UKCPS Exhibition Director


◇UKCPS 展覧会ディレクター

◇ウェブサイト http://www.ukcps.co.uk/members/heffer_p/index.html


As a child I enjoyed drawing and maths and would have loved to have become an architect. However in my day girls became nurses, teachers or secretaries, so off I went to Teacher’s Training College, where my main subjects were maths and art. After many years I became a Head Teacher but the amount of work involved, together with raising our three children caused me to become ill and I had to retire from teaching at the age of 48. At College I had specialised in using oil paints, but whilst I was ill my husband bought me a box of colored pencils and gradually I became ‘hooked’ on them!

しかし、困ったことに色鉛筆で描かれたアーティストの作品を今まで見たことがなく私の描いた絵を他と比較する術がわからなかったのですが、地元の書店で 『The Best of Colored Pencil 4/アメリカの色鉛筆アート4』いう画集を見つけ、CPSAの存在を知り、そして、その協会の一員となりました。その後、ある日ニューヨークを訪れ、色鉛筆アートを展示しているギャラリーはないかと探してみましたが見つからず、がっかりして色鉛筆の原画作品を見ることができないことにフラストレーションを感じ、『Artists and Illustrators Magazine』という雑誌社へ、手紙を書きました。

However the problem was that I never saw anyone else’s coloured pencil pictures and so had no way of comparing my work. I bought ‘The Best of Colored Pencil 4’ in a local bookshop and learned of the existence of the CPSA and joined the organisation. On a visit to New York I tried to search out galleries showing coloured pencil work, but to no avail. In frustration I wrote a letter to Artists and Illustrators Magazine as follows:-


March 2001
“In this country coloured pencil techniques are not recognised. At exhibitions it has been suggested to me that I should pretend to have used another medium and that I now ought to move on to pastels and watercolours, eventually progressing to oils! I have already gone down this route, but in reverse. I have used my experience with oils, watercolours and pastels to help me through the maze of different techniques needed for coloured pencil work.
Coloured pencil work is gradually becoming accepted in the USA largely due to the work of the CPSA (Coloured Pencil Society of America) an organisation to which I belong, but there is nothing similar in this country. Why not? Surely there must be a sufficient number of coloured pencil artists in Britain to make such an organisation viable?”

この投稿は、『Artistis and Illusturators Magazine』の読者投稿ページに
採用され、月一度掲載される投稿の中から“Star Letter”賞を受賞しました。


Bob saw this letter and decided to found the UKCPS. He collected round him a group of like minded artists and they had their first get-together in June 2001. He eventually tracked me down through the CPSA but unfortunately, although I became a member very early on , I was too ill to become involved at this stage. However when my health improved I went on to the executive as society secretary in 2003, and took over exhibitions in 2004. As the society grew it became impossible for one person to combine the jobs of secretary and Exhibition Director, so last September Carol Bramley took over as Secretary. I really enjoy being Exhibitions Director as it enables me to get to know many members, and it is this contact with like-minded artists which I so enjoy.


I am fortunate in that we have been able to convert our double garage into a studio. It is in here that two pencil groups meet; a local beginners group and a more advanced group. Twice a year local UKCPS members meet up here for the day to share their ideas and of course have lunch at our village pub! For the first time we are holding a Pencil exhibition in a local gallery. I feel that ‘the way forward’ is for pencil groups throughout the UK to hold their own exhibitions, with the UKCPS Open International Exhibition being the exhibition where the very best of the UK’s pencil work can be seen.


I wish the Japanese Coloured Pencil society every success for the future, and if I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to ask. I feel very strongly that now coloured pencils are so much more lightfast there is no reason why this medium should not be recognised throughout the world as a fine art medium and I will do everything I can to ‘spread the word!’