Kay Schmidt, CPSA President
◇ウェブサイト http://www.cpsa201.org/galleryschmidt.html
Since childhood, I have loved to draw and my major in college was Fine Art. After getting married and having kids, I gradually stopped doing art – though I always dabbled at various arts and crafts.
Drawing (in the literal sense) was my preferred way of working, and I was never happy with my efforts using paint media. I had used colored pencils off and on over the years to do school assignments and small botanical drawings.
Colored pencils provide control and allow me to incorporate detail in my work. They also offer a full range of color, from subtle to brilliant. In addition, they are relatively inexpensive, not messy, and convenient for working short or long periods of time.
My interest in the colored pencil medium really began in 1994 when a local newspaper printed a full page article with photos of the brilliant paintings in the 2nd CPSA International Exhibition being held in my area. Fortunately there was a CPSA chapter here (Portland, Oregon) and I immediately joined the organization.
ASTMとは、米国材料試験協会(American Society for Testing and Materials)のことです。米国材料試験協会はCPSAの要請を受けて、光に対する色持ち度を示すASTM D6901基準を作りました。その基準を満たしている色鉛筆が日本国内でも発売を開始しています。
I joined CPSA and the local District Chapter because I wanted to learn the techniques of using colored pencils. The best way to learn is by meeting face to face with artists who have experience using the medium. Before long I was serving as the chapter newsletter editor and then as chapter president. After attending my first CPSA convention in 1999, I became acquainted with the Governing Board and more aware of the broader goals of the organization. I ultimately volunteered and was elected to be the CPSA Membership Director. One thing led to another, and next thing I knew, I was elected President.
I believe the most important reason for artists to suppor CPSA and its sister societies in the United Kingdom and Japan is that only a united voice can gain respect for colored pencil as a fine art medium. No single individual, for example, could have persuaded ASTM to develop the standard for lightfastness – that required the efforts of CPSA, colored pencil manufacturers, and other art organizations.