
Ann Holden, UKCPS Editor


◇UKCPS会報(Talking Point)編集担当

◇公式サイト http://www.artisann.net/

Snow monkeys
– CP on HP paper

Rajasthani goatherd
– CP on heavyweight cartridge paper

Well Read
– CP on black Canson card

As a teenager, I loved to draw horses as a (not very good!) substitute for having my own pony. Later, I went to university, qualifying as a veterinary surgeon in 1980. For eleven years I ran a small animal surgery, treating mainly dogs and cats, but also rabbits, reptiles and other small pets, in the north west of England.

I stayed at Churchview Surgery until 2000, helped by my black Labrador retriever dogs, Brecon and, later on, Archie (and my husband!). In my limited spare time I did drawings and animal portraits for my own satisfaction, and attended watercolour classes. It was the tutor for these classes who first suggested that I might like to try coloured pencils, because she knew that I enjoyed drawing.

Since then, I have worked as a volunteer veterinary surgeon for an Indian charity (three months in West Bengal) a care worker and, more recently, a medical writer, in addition to setting up ArtisAnn. (http://www.artisann.net/)

Currently, I am Editor of Talking Point, the newsletter of the UK Coloured Pencil Society (UKCPS). I also edit and print the newsletter for the North West Calligraphers’ Association (NWCA).

I am particularly interested in coloured pencil as a serious art medium and I feel it is particularly suited to both human and animal portraiture. However, I still consider myself to be inexperienced, with an awful lot to learn!


ペットのラブラドールレッドリバーBreconとArchie、そして夫に助けられながら2000年までチャーチビュー病院にいました。 限られた余暇の時間を楽しむために、私は動物画を描き、水彩画教室へ通いました。この教室の先生は私が絵の具を使うよりも線描を私が好んでいることを知り、私に色鉛筆を勧めてくれたのが色鉛筆を使い始めたきっかけでした。


現在、私はUKCPSの会報であるTalking Pointの編集担当をしています。また、NWCAカリグラフィー協会の編集の仕事もしています。
