
Vera Curnow, CPSA Founder



◇公式サイト http://veracurnow.com/



Before I was a full time artist, I worked in the corporate world as an Advertising Director.
When we moved to a very small town, I was able to do art full time. I found a set of old colored pencils in a desk drawer and I was hooked.


私は色鉛筆という画材の価値を信じていましたし、アートの世界にその存在を知らしめる必要を感じたため、協会設立へ動き出しました。色鉛筆アートという作品がどういうものなのかを見たことがない人達は、 色鉛筆が発展性のあるものだとは考えていないようだったのです。

私は、『The Artist's Magazine』という雑誌に手紙を書きその掲載の中で、もはや色鉛筆協会の時機に来ていると感じているアーティストがいないかを尋ねると、即座に75名からの返答がありました。そして、その後急速に協会は大きくなっていきました。


I started the Society because I believed in the medium and felt that it needed a presencein the art world. Those who never saw what colored pencil artwork looked like thought it wasn'ta viable art medium.

I wrote a letter to The Artist's Magazine asking if there were others whofelt that it was time for a colored pencil organization. I immediately got 75 responses. And wegrew rapidly after that.

By bringing a large number of colored pencil artists together throughthe Society we were able to educate the public and the art world about this wonderful and versatilemedium.